The very first Birkenstock specialty store in North America. Serving Toronto for over 75 years.
A chiropractor by trade, Dr. Peter P. Wons has been in the Birkenstock business for over 35 years while the store has been around for over 75 years!
Our longstanding experience in the shoe making business has shown us that most people are not satisfied with the fit of their shoes.
We take great pride in making sure that all of our customers are fitted in the right size, width and footwear.
As Toronto's only Birkenstock specialty store, we offer strictly Birkenstock products like shoes, sandals, arch supports and accessories!
Cork oaks have been around for millions of years, and their bark is THE source of cork – one of the world’s most versatile natural materials. Even today, there is no synthetic material that can match all of cork’s many properties. The perfect raw material for BIRKENSTOCK: cork cushions, breathes and is lightweight.
Be the first to hear about upcoming sales, hot shoe trends, and new arrivals.
We are currently serving customers by appointment only.
We apologize for the inconvenience. Please contact us by phone or email for inquiries and to book an appointment.
1230 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario
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